Chris and I went to the Cohunu Koala Park to snuggle koalas and feed kangaroos and stuff.
“It’s a 10-minute cab ride from the train station!” said the website or a guidebook or something. That may have been true, but it was pouring down rain and we got the most clueless cabbie ever, who insisted he knew where it was, then drove past it. I said, “I saw the sign—I think it’s back there!” he said, “No no no, it’s up ahead.” More than half an hour later we had passed three kangaroos-turned-roadkill on the side of the road, stopped twice for directions, and finally went back to the sign I’d seen. At least he stopped the meter when he stopped for directions the first time. Worthless! The rain let up a little and we immediately held koalas, as previously posted. Then we went to the wallabies and kangaroos and stepped carefully around the kanga-poo.