Ah, spring. A time of flowers and sunshine. Or for “ladies of the night” in ancient Edo, it meant time to harvest sprouting shoots of bamboo and greenery, parade a giant phallus through the city of Kawasaki, picnic in the courtyard of the Kanamara Shrine and pray for protection from syphilis. The enthroned phalli are still paraded through the city at the annual Kawasaki Fertility Festival, but these days they’re more likely to be carried by drag queens, those requesting protection from HIV/AIDS, and general merrymakers. Yuk! Who likes radishes!? No one. That’s probably how somebody came up with the idea to carve them into shapes. Radishes not your thing? Well hey, for everyone out there who hates Peeps, maybe one of these pink marshmallows will help you see the light. Say cheee-su!
All in all…weird day! But I did get three new pages of caligraphy in my book!
IranRasaneh says
Hi there. You have got a nice website and I am going to bookmark your website.see ya.
AS says
What a fun Parade!! I loved the kid riding the “cannon”.
San Diego Farmgirl says
Nothing drives home the “Puritan” core of our culture than being sexually embarrassed by the Japanese. haha
Angela says
What a strange parade! I would have had trouble not laughing, I think. Wow.
McKay says
Oh. Wow. They’re everywhere! My favorite are the noses!