I can’t believe we did it! This is the first time I’ve done a weekend trip with the kids by myself. And it was so fun! Walking across the National Mall we stopped for one of Isaac’s favorite parts of the trip: watching a DIGGER! But this wasn’t just any digger. It was a digger digging up National Mall dirt in front of the Capitol. That makes it better (for me).
The storm clouds were amazing. The blossoms were amazing. It was amazing. Can you tell I was delighted?
“I want to go back to Rory’s house!” Isaac said again and again. I could have spent hours…or forever…under the cherry blossoms. But that will have to wait for another day. I didn’t want to ruin the day by super-over-taxing my kiddos. We drove out past the tidal basin, glowing in the late afternoon sun, now much, MUCH more crowded. Staying any longer with the stroller and grouchy kids probably would have tipped us into the regret category. We left at just the right time. We had a great, relaxed evening with our friends, then left after some playground time in the morning.
Such a wonderful trip! Thanks for having us! It’s successes like these that fool me into thinking I can do anything!