Come and get it! The Jacksonville Farmers Market (1780 W Beaver St., Jacksonville, FL 32209, 904.354.2821) says it’s Florida’s oldest farmers market. Wendy and I were a little skeptical of its authenticity considering it’s open every day, but it turns out the vendors rotate out, so really the market varies from day to day.
We sampled mamey, sort of a cross between a mango and a sweet potato. The inside was sweet-potato colored, but it was mango-sized and similarly fibery and peelable. The stand’s owner was really helpful. We were picking up and sniffing and squeezing unidentifiable fruits and he came over and started slicing away, feeding us sticky bits of exotic taste treats (some were better–and riper–than others. Ripe mamey? Yum! Unripe plaintains?? Bleck!).
Wendy turned these Hawaiian plantains into excellent fried plantains with a little brown sugar. Yum! A little crisp and caramelly on the outside and sweet and soft on the inside. Now we just have to figure out how to copy that recipe from Columbia….