WARNING: Looking at these photos may cause dizziness or vertigo. Bad angles!
I planted my herb garden three weeks ago, on April 1. Clockwise, starting at the upper left: French lavender, rosemary, peppermint, lemon balm, sweet basil.
Bratty Pounce has dug it up three times and ate all the peppermint (what the heck?!), and yet after piling the dirt back in, a strand of peppermint managed to make it. It started doing a lot better after I turned the leafier plants toward the sun. Chris was amazed at how they lift their little leaves toward the sun to be kissed. Now the lemon balm (center) is taking over. Rosemary is taller, but the lavender doesn’t seem to be doing much. Too much water? No hint of flowers. The basil is slightly bigger, and the peppermint is making a valiant comeback post-Pounce attack. Pounce got water dumped on his head and was banished to the bathroom for a couple hours.
It’s cool that there’s a noticeable difference in my herb garden from week to week. I like sitting on the balcony in the evening, watching the water and the lawn all lit up, and this week the full moon would creep up over the pines across the pond. Sometimes a slight breeze would swirl the scent of basil, lemon and rosemary around the balcony.
So I guess I can’t really blame the kitties for wanting to get their paws in the garden. Still, inexcusably bratty. 🙂
Love the pictures of your herb garden…you never tell me about that! 🙂 Odd that your kitty likes peppermint. And the lavendar doesn’t like heat, I’ve found!