Chris was gone for our anniversary last month, but we celebrated early with dinner at Bubba’s. Isaac saying ‘Bubba’s’ is the cutest thing. Wait, maybe not cuter than Isaac pushing Eloise around in a tiny shopping cart. Isaac says a lot of cute things. Here are some examples:
“Mom, your eyes are soooo pretty. Look at all those pretty flowers! You like these flowers? I pick them for you. I want to give you lots of flowers. I just love you.”
“Dad is a hero.”
“That’s right. What makes Dad a hero?”
“Dad is a hero because he goes on the boat and shoots missiles at bad guys and planes.”
“Uh, sure, if the planes are bad guys.”
“One time, when I was bigger, I went with Dad to shoot bad guys. We got the stomp rocket and shoot missiles and PPKKKRRRR! the bad guys.”
“That is a very good story. I’ll tell dad.”
“Why doesn’t Dad want to eat his clams?” (Isaac asked after seeing the top right photo here)
“I do love you, Mom.”
“Oh really? Because downstairs when you were mad at me you said you didn’t.”
“…I love you NOW.”
“You like my pretty blue eyes? You like my freckles? I’m your big helper. I really strong a cuz I eat a lot of food.”
“Ready to go upstairs and read books?”
“We can go upstairs and read books after our little date.” (Eating blueberries at the table before bed).
“You look sad! What’s wrong?”
“That song makes me sad and want to kiss you.”