One weekend we’re watching that nature movie, “Earth” and it’s pouring down rain outside, and Chris is getting irritated that we have to pause it every five seconds because we have kids, and then we hear this shuffle-shuffle-WHOMP. A tree branch sliced our gate in half! Another branch fell while we were upstate—it was larger and would have landed square on top of my car.
Thankfully this one landed right where it did, because another foot over and it could have really damaged our CANOE! Fortunately it was unscathed and we took it out again that Sunday evening.
We brought rocks for Isaac to torpedo jellyfish. When the rocks were gone, we honed our navigation skills by paddling alongside ODU’s rowing buoys and seeing if everyone could smack it.
“Let’s go SMACK THAT BUOY!” became Isaac’s war cry.
This time, Isaac had a great attitude. Eloise, therefore, was having none of it. But a shortened time on the water is still an evening on the water. They’ll get used to it eventually! Canoeing is so fun.
We walked to dinner Chris’ last night before going to sea. A man stopped Chris to asked if we live in our neighborhood. We said yeeeees…? He said, “I’ve seen y’all three days in a row now and it was weird. First I saw y’all with a canoe, then you walked by my house with a stroller, and now at dinner.” Maybe wheeling our canoe down to the Haven Creek Boat Ramp isn’t as inconspicuous as we thought!