Our road trip was all over the place. For example, the above photos, all taken from the car, feature an Amish woman waving to us in New York, the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, and storm clouds over the hills around the NY-PA border.
We saw Amish carriages, decaying silos, massive rivers, beautiful lakes, and stopped in places we’ve never been before.
My kids did GREAT. They had their tired moments, but considering there were five of us sharing a hotel room for multiple nights, everything went really well. They napped in the car. And on the boat tour of the Thousand Islands. They hiked and swam and ate and giggled. They were so great in the car. Having such great little travel buddies makes me feel like I can do anything. Not to mention, they’re just good company!!
New York wreaths
Stained glass in the 1830-something church Mrs. Marsh’s ancestors helped found.
So many of my little kid in New Jersey memories are tied to the First Presbyterian Church of Hamilton Square, New Jersey: the Hanging of the Greens before Advent every year, where we’d make miles of paper chains and one time a girl stapled her thumb and started crying; coffee hour; square dances; messing around while my mom was leading a bunch of kids in the “Zacchaeus” song, and getting in trouble and having to go sit down in shame; Sunday school with my friends; admiring the older girls but running away when they wanted to pick me up and play mommy; making paper airplanes out of the bulletin during church so I could run up to the balcony afterwards and soar it out over the pews; my dad farting in church one time and someone saying, “Kent is sitting in his own pew;” getting to wear my first pair of big girl church shoes: ballet flats with no little kid strap across the ankle.