This snow is terrible for raising up a snow population. Our attempts at building a snow family peaked with one lone snow mountain man—a man of isolation and mystery. Why does he wear that enigmatic smile?
But here’s what this snow IS good for: SNOW HENGE. The top several inches sort of iced over, then broke off neatly into tablets and stackable slabs when gently kicked. Chris, Isaac and I balanced the satisfyingly solid snow bricks into several impressive towers, the tallest of which was over my head.
Within an hour of completion the neighbors had texted us a compliment (thanks, Megan!). Snow family’s got nothing on that!
Eloise is not a huge fan of the snow, but Isaac sure is. Tomorrow our low is five degrees. FIVE. No further plans for Snow Henge expansion.
An aside: the kiddos have been unwell for almost two weeks with a series of coughs, snot, congestion, fevers, etc. After the 100th time Isaac coughed right in my face I, in a fit of stellar parenting, said, “Please try not to get Mom sick. If I get sick, who’s going to take care of you?” Isaac thought about it. “Dad!” “No. Dad’s gone. I’m all you’ve got. There’s no one to help if Mom gets sick so please cover your mouth when you cough.” Isaac seemed unphased by my grouchy scare tactics, but guess what. When I inevitably contracted the crud, Chris got Monday off for Presidents Day, then got two snow days off. After weeks of sleeping 3-4 total hours in 45 minute chunks (one night I was up SEVEN TIMES between the two crying kids sick and waking each other up), I took NyQuil and had a three-hour morning nap. Yay! Dad’s home to take care of us after all! I told Isaac I was sorry for saying that and God provided Dad time off to take care of us. Fortunately God is bigger than parenting fails. There’s hope!