This is scheduled to be the LAST post about Thailand! Whew, finally! That’s good, considering I arrived home more than a month ago. My goal was to complete the Thailand posts before my parents arrive, so we are right on time.
So anyway, this is the next discovery made by the five intrepid explorers on our last day in Bangkok. As Nicole said, you can expect to see our pictures on the cover of “Explorers Weekly” sometime soon…they just haven’t told us which photo/portraits to look for.
The Grand Palace was built in 1782 and housed the royal family for 150 years. The innermost court is where the wives and children of the king lived. That may sound familiar to you if you’ve seen “The King and I” or the more recent “Anna and the King.” But in fact, as Mary told us, “Anna and the King” is actually banned in Thailand because they don’t like the way their king is represented. They wouldn’t allow filming in the country either, so most of the movie is actually filmed in Malaysia.
The Grand Palace and the Temple of the Emerald Buddha are the political and spiritual heart of Thailand. They also have a dress code. No bare feet, no sandals, no see-through clothing, no bare shoulders, no shorts or capri pants, and no immodest clothing. Pants are ok. We were all of course appropriately dressed, but for the lucky folks following our explorers’ entourage there is a room where you can rent long, multi-colored Thai skirts. They made for a colorful day of tourism. Err—exploring.
This last photo of all of us is courtesy of Nicole! Nice exploring, ladies!