First weekend back in Japan! What to do…what to do….How about kicking it off with a delightful little tea party along the Hikichigawa?
No one ever gives me the, “you stand out, gaijin!” look when I’m on the Scoop. Except Sunday people kept staring at me. Wait, I thought. Maybe they’re looking at the totally cute trench coat Chris got me in San Diego. Sure enough, when I pulled into base later (ah-hem, NOT wearing the required long pants or tacky orange vest, just a knee-length trench coat, gloves, brown knee-high boots, aviators and a red helmet) the guard said, “Hey! I like your style! Everything matches, even the bike!” I thanked him and drove on smiling through the sunshine, the Tanagawa Mountains on the other side of the flight line outlined against the warm-weather haze in the distance.