It’s the same twist of panic I felt in Hong Kong when my hotel wouldn’t honor my reservation and the entire city was full. It’s the same twist of panic I felt the first day of this journey in Okinawa when the flight was canceled at 6 p.m. and I had nowhere to go. It’s the same squeezing sickness I feel anytime I realize I’m far from home and not going to get any closer any time soon. And to cheer it all up, Baja California, Mexico (100 miles south), then shook the area with a 7.2 earthquake, startling Chris from a nap and swinging our third-story hotel bathroom door on its hinges while the coat hangers jangled in the closet. The ground rumbled like thunder; the concrete building swayed. What joy. What else could go wrong? Oh, more earthquakes. 4.5…5.1…go figure.