I have trouble seeing. I don’t mean I need to wear glasses–although I do. What I’m talking about is seeing stuff in stuff. I never knew what people were talking about when they referred to some Man in the Moon. I thought I saw a face one time but haven’t seen it since. Then there was that Old Man of the Mountain in New Hampshire we hiked to see on vacation when I was little, before his face fell off. Couldn’t see him either. Chris and I were all excited about our first trip to Nikko until the weather forecast said rain rain rain all weekend. Once we got to Nikko it started to snow. We hiked a little way along Ryuzu Falls enjoying the fresh, soft snow and frigid rapids. Chris wanted to throw snowballs so I threw one at him and it went right into his pocket. Ha ha! Then he beaned me in the back of the head while I was climbing down some slippery steps. I turned to frown at him and he said, “Ha ha! I didn’t even TRY to do that! Just lucky!”