So Thursday Chris says, “Uh, do you have any plans tomorrow? Because I kind of need you to come to my motorcycle class so I can get a passenger rating.” Then Thursday night a little after 10 pm we get several phone calls: the class has been overbooked. It has been rescheduled to Sunday. Yes, this is the only class available before you deploy. Chris needs this class to get his Japanese motorcycle license, which is required to buy a motorcycle from his friend who’s moving soon. No time to waste!
That means Sunday we got up dark and early to skip church and be starved all day in a motorcycle course with nary a lunch break. We left our house at 6:20 am and didn’t get done with the class until 3 pm. That’s a long time to go without food when you’re walking miles and miles in the only shoes you have that meet silly military moto standards and also unfortunately have a slight heel (even though they are stunningly cute).
Anywho, yay! Chris passed! We went to celebrate with dinner nearby at our favorite hole-in-the-wall in Yokohama’s Chinatown (it’s on Hong Kong Street, the entrance of which is pictured two photos down)! But even before that we had these delicious teas with the gummies in the bottom. I LOVE THOSE!!
The cloudy, rather windy day cleared up for a very pleasant, very late lunch date. I’m trying to soak up all the Japaneseyness of Japan because I’ll be going home soon and I’m back to that point of sort of getting used to a lot of the things that used to be all, “WHOA!”

That will be fun to have a trip home! That drink looks delicious and the little orange chickens look like the Japanese version of Peeps! Anywho, I was thinking the other day that you have been in Japan for almost a year! Can you believe it!!!
I would like to see a picture of these "super cute" shoes. Also, the food things that looked like pastries in the form of puffer fish looked super cute.
Oh my goodness! I love boba tea!! Matt thinks it's weird and won't drink it. I bet you get really good tea in Japan. I think my fav part is sucking through the big straw. I wish they had straws that size for everything that should be sucked. More efficient!