You know that couple who never argues? Well lucky us, one of them wrote a book to show the rest of us how it’s done. It’s Fawn Weaver’s “The Argument-Free Marriage: 28 days to creating the marriage you’ve always wanted with the spouse you already have.”
A better title would have been, “HUMBLE BRAG.”
The author says they’ve never had a major issue in their marriage. The author got angry one time and, to avoid an argument, had time for a SIX HOUR WALK to cool down. The author loves to write successful business plans in her spare time. The author finds the title “blogger” insulting, even though she has a success blog. I found her, and her marriage, totally unrelatable. Not to mention, if I ever had a chance for a six hour walk of solitude, Chris and I would have no arguments anyway, right?
I’m not sure who would benefit from this book. Maybe if you and your significant other have a family history of successive divorces, you should read this before getting engaged. But most of the advice was like…uh…if that solved our arguments, I wouldn’t be reading this book. Like putting a sticky note on your mirror to remind yourself you chose your spouse and love them. That type of advice is not going to help Chris and me weather an every third day watch rotation during the holidays while I’m in c section pain, up all night, and both kids are sick.
Speaking of Chris, I told him I got a free review copy of this title he said, “argument-free in 28 days? That’s not possible.”
“Seriously. It took us 10 years to come up with all these arguments.”
I did like that the last week of the 28 day challenge focused on resolving marital strife related to finances. That was the best advice in the book. And I admit a couple of the questions—out of over 75 throughout the book—sparked some good discussions.
But if you want to avoid a headache from rolling your eyes constantly, skip this book.
Uggh! Sometimes it just feels good to yell about something. If your spouse knows you well, s/he knows this isn't your normal behavior and will let you vent, cool off, and move on. What kind of weirdos get along all the time without arguments?
I totally agree with you. My views on this book: Meh!