Today we all became reacquainted with the feeling of snow melting into your pants (also skiing). There were some moments thinking, “This is the worst.” There were some moments thinking, “This is the best.” I wondered, “Was all the ski gear so heavy last time?” Isaac lost his best waterproof gloves, but we found them (separately!) at the end of the day. Eloise was convinced she was terrible and hated skiing but then effortlessly cruised in and out of the kinder cones as beginning adults fought for balance and crashed all up and down the course. She finished the day cruising down a slopes-style obstacle course. I got yelled at in Italian when Eloise fell off the bunny slope lift (the kind where your feet stay on the ground the whole time). Isaac spent weeks telling everyone he’s the best skier in our family, then spent 10 minutes thrashing around on the snow unable to stand up.

We had bratwurst and pretzels for lunch, admired the wind shear on neighboring mountains, got a little more sure-footed, and skied in the sunshine.
Then Jackie and Jason and their friends arrived! When you plan to meet up with people from three different countries, it seems like anything could go wrong. But this time it all went right! We haven’t seen them since we all left Hawaii. After a brief hello on the slopes, we met back up again down the mountain and went out for traditional Bavarian food.

Beer glasses clinked. The company was delightful. The food was traditional and delicious. Then the door of the restaurant opened and we heard the accordion. Half a dozen people in traditional Bavarian-style clothes and priestly robes with thick wooden masks flooded into the dining room flicking people with water from a (hopefully clean?) toilet brush. A witch, whose mask was complete with a hairy, attention-getting mole, tried to sweep Eloise away with her broom and asked Isaac to dance.
Jackie’s friend Matt saved our table from lack of participation by joining in with an impressive polka step. Eloise hid under the table.

We guessed this had something to do with upcoming Carnival, and Jackie confirmed later it was a Bavarian tradition for scaring off evil winter spirits etc.
The characters settled down for a beer and it was time for us to leave. Which, in retrospect, makes me wonder if their goal was accomplished….