Despite our admonitions, the leaves all fell. This was Monday, a block from (and five minutes after) the spot where Isaac baptized himself in the river. When we walked under this tree tonight on our after-dinner stroll, the cold, rainy weather had left its mark. The branches are nearly bare.
Clearly, I’m trying to complete all my fall posts before Christmas season starts tomorrow. Nothing like a looming deadline to feel motivated. Deadlines and a little more sleep, anyway—Eloise is almost eight weeks old and thankfully sleeps MUCH better than Isaac did. Which brings us to Thanksgiving. I am thankful that neither Eloise nor Isaac was sick today, and that they’re both over the colds and fevers they’ve had recently. I’m thankful that we are not moving, like when Isaac was this old. I’m thankful we decided to stay home for Thanksgiving this year, a decision we had to make with our heads, not our hearts. I’m thankful Chris isn’t at sea right this moment, even if he does have watch this weekend. I’m thankful we finally had a move where we didn’t go into debt afterwards. I’m so thankful for my family—my mom, dad, Hannah, and her kiddos coming to help us in our times of need when Eloise was born. For Chris of course. For the amazing friends we have here. For our sweet son and our new bundle of snuggles.
As per tradition we went around the table and said something we’re thankful for. Isaac must’ve done this in preschool because he answered immediately, “my friends!”
My favorite thing about our house is all the windows. Each room (not the bathrooms I guess) has windows on multiples walls. Huge, mature trees overhang the house and wave around the eaves, so right now almost every room boasts a view of cascading yellow and rusty-colored leaves. They’re showering down on all sides. It’s absolutely lovely. Shadowy outlines of leaves move across the floor in the kitchen throughout the day. Our living room and Eloise’s room look onto our neighbors’ scarlet Japanese maple. Isaac’s room gets the full benefit of the front oak tree. I love hearing the wind soughing through the branches and seeing the leaves shimmer down, but I don’t want want them all to be gone! Ah, the beauty of mortality. “Everything’s more beautiful because we’re doomed.” Ha. I just quoted the movie Troy.
Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving! Another fall sadly over, but another Christmas just beginning!
You are the one person who has impressed me most with the beauty of the seasons… I am so grateful to have you my friend.
Love, Nicole