“I’m not done eating. I’m just out of food.”
Titus: “Apollos, look at that geode.”
Apollos: “That’s not a geode.”
Titus: “How do you know?”
Apollos: “Because it’s a grapefruit” (steps on it—SQUISH)
Titus: “Oh.”

swinging by the driveway, picnics at Lake Poway, kickball with the neighbors, grilling, chatting, Joy and Carsen and co. dancing
Hannah: “Jane, how do you feel about…sparkly?”
Jane: “Favorite.”
Hannah: “Rainbows?”
Jane: “Also favorite.”

picnic in La Jolla, New Year’s Day, watching sea lions, feeding seagulls, popping seaweed, sliding over rocks at low tide, poking anemones, hanging from trees, racing cousins
Mari: “Isaac, do you want to go with Grandma and Pa to pick up your cousins?”
Isaac: “100 percent of course.”

La Jolla on New Year’s Day—Children’s Cove, running around, trading kids for car rides, and somebody fell in a tide pool I think
Isaac: “You’re going to have to move a-cuz we’re going to need to sit there to watch a movie.”
Justin: “…what?”
Ezekiel, softly: “I don’t think he has to….”

Fed the neeeeigh-borhood horses (sorry), hugs and thanks for Grandfather, family photos, Hannah and I read books with similar titles
“Yahoo, amigos!”
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