September 5, 2017: partially cloudy clearing toward sunset, trade winds very light
I came upon some ritualistic ancient pagan moon worship at the rising of the harvest moon while trekking through Kalama Beach Park. The natives were small in stature and completely covered in sand and native garb. They seemed curious about me and friendly, so I dusted them off and took them home. Both seem healthy and have very soft hair. Not sure if they can be civilized—I understand none of their strange tongue, and the smaller one appears to have an impediment lodged in its teeth. A substantial diet of Cheerios and chicken nuggets may work wonders. The small one occasionally screams and throws tools and other items. I will continue to observe this behavior in case it is trying to communicate. Tonight I found both natives completely upside down in their bunks. Such odd creatures. Perhaps it’s the conclusion of the wild ceremony I witnessed on the seashore. I will take careful notes of each new development and hope that, in time, I can have a civilizing influence on both.
Hi-larious, Mari. Good luck with the natives😉.
Interesting what a different location the moon has compared to last month!