The kids and I are car-less most of this week so we set out on foot to discover, if possible, signs of fall around the Navy Lodge on this, the first day of Autumn. We found: tropical flowers, a big mound of dirt, palm trees, beach signs, a nice spot for lunch, and candy corn. Score.
It rained all day Tuesday! Grandfather was able to go home from the hospital! My mom and I got Pumpkin Spice Lattes before she and my dad flew back to Texas! We observed the harvest moon. That’s plenty of fall.
Let’s talk about hotel living. We wake up, all in one room. Chris goes to work. The kids and I have breakfast in the lobby, then head out to play on the playground and either waste time on my phone or chat with other lodgers. Back to the room to regroup, then I take the kids out for the morning (train museum, story time, beach) with a packed lunch. We come back for nap time, which has been a bit of a challenge. Isaac needs to not nap, but we have to keep the room dark for the Woo to sleep. If Isaac falls asleep he WILL NOT SLEEP AT BEDTIME. I’ve hit on some success letting him work on his letters with iPad games after he rests for awhile and gets wiggly. After nap time the kids have a snack and watch cartoons while I do laundry, tidy, wash dishes in the tiniest sink on the planet, drink tea, whatever. Sometimes we go down to the beach again before dinner, but then the kids are all sandy and want a bath before dinner. Dinner is served (by me) on the rooftop terrace when Chris gets home. Home—HA.