So I have two tea sets—one Chris bought me our first Christmas here and a lovely one from his mom the same Christmas. Both are blueish, which is my favorite color, but I needed a tea set for spring. I’d been on the lookout for a few months when I saw The One—white with cherry blossoms. Iin size the teacups are between the standard tiny Japanese cup and a full mug—perfect! One cup mirrors the pot with cherry blossoms and the others has a blue hydrangea: my wedding flower. Could not be more perfect. I bought it for myself as a Military Spouse Day present (the Friday before Mothers Day every year). The seller pulled out a white box and opened it to reveal a wooden box inlaid with kimono fabric. Inside this each piece was wrapped in bubble wrap. Of course once I got home it was the wrong one, but after just one email the company quickly shipped me the correct one with Kuroneko: Black Cat Home Delivery Service (oh, that’s what all the signs with the double black cats on them signify). The point is, I’m on a little tea high lately so this is my breakfast tray: Silver tea tray (Savannah, GA), pink felt trivet (Franc Franc, Japan), cherry blossom teapot with hydrangea teacup (Tokyo, Japan), blue glass vase (mineral water bottle from Grenada, Spain), yogurt (home delivery, Japan).
Ok, the yogurt was supposed to be the point but I’m listening to some old school 90s music (Enrique Iglesias) and forgot. Japanese yogurt is DELICIOUS!! A couple of times some salesmen have rung my doorbell to offer me samples introducing home yogurt and milk delivery systems. One time they came by later to pick up the (empty and washed) bottles. The second time they didn’t, which is good because that was months ago and I don’t tend to eat yogurt when it’s cold. But now that it’s over 70 degrees F lately yogurt is back on the menu. This week I polished off all the little yogurts I had and was rummaging around in the fridge door when I found this funny little bottle. Is this yogurt?? More importantly, is it still edible??? Yes and YES!!! YUM!! A perfect compliment to Lupicia’s Sweet Kyoto green tea. A delightful breakfast.
I loved your United Nations breakfast tray. It all looked so peaceful and harmonious together.
If only the world were a breakfast tray!