You’re back in time a few hundred years. Your husband is a political hostage thanks to his opponents’ ability to control you and your family’s movements outside the city, so any attempt to flee means repercussions—probably death—for him, but he won’t leave without you. The overlords become more tyrannical year by year until you can’t bear it any more…you use all the money for your youngest child’s education to buy falsified passports, and carefully pack up just the most irreplaceable of seven generations of belongings—anything more would arouse suspicion. You wake the children early and tell them to dress quickly. They have no idea that soon you will either be imprisoned….or free. Either way, this is the last time they’ll ever see home. After days of travel through the lower mountains you approach the checkpoint, take a deep breath, and compose your face as you’re corralled into the crowded waiting area. When it’s your turn to be inspected, your courage falters for a moment as you pass through a room lined with rifles and longbows. Is this how the story ends?

Very cool… well not in 17TH century Japan but today it seems like a fascinating place. I think you could seriously write books with the opening of this blog!
P.s. Your eye makeup looks fierce! Love it!