Eloise wrote this for a writing assignment in class about getting lost at last year’s Trick or Treat event.

One Spoky Halloween Night
By: Eloise Krueger, grade 2
That night it was dusk, and windy and my best friends and I were trick or treating. I could even taste the wind and I could feel it to. I was having a very fun time callecting loads of candy. And then I wanted to find my mom. So I went to look for her. I peered by the Army van, and the glow rings and necklaces, and all over the trick or treating area. Then I started looking in the bildings!! But before, my mom had told me that she would be in the thrift store (the second hand store) if I needed her. But I didin’t hear her say that. So when I looked in one of the biludings whare the thrift store was I didin’t know that it was there and I couldin’t find her. And I didin’t know that she was in the thrift store. “Oh no I’m lost,” I thought. So I went to the other biluding. I saw some other girls in the elavaitor. They all looked older than me. But I decided to go in with them. They asked, “Are you going to the library with us?” I didin’t say a word, but I just hoped in the elaivator to see if mom was in the library. But I changed my mind, but I was tooo late. The doors were closed and I was going to the library. But it was okey because I was going to go back to the trick or treating area. In the end, the doors opened and the girls went out to the library. I went back down. But I presed the wrong bottun. Suddenly the doors opened, and I saw a dark doorway and a lot of pipes. I saw a man from the USAG walk into the hallway of doom. But I didin’t know this at the time but evenchualley it was a dark, rotten meat smelling underground parking lot. I started to sob!! I will be lost FOREVER!!! I yelled. My face was covered with swet and tears. I thought about mom. I new I had to get out of the parking lot. So I pushed anather bottun. Guss whare I went to? The… The… THE… TRICK OR TREATING AREA!!!!!! I wiped away my tears and looked for mom once again. I was looking for her for about 5 munites looking in the same places over and over and over again. Eventually I looked in one derecion. I saw two people who looked familere. I suddenly recanized them, and they were momy and dady!! The End.