The snow didn’t last very long here, just a chunk of slush here and there in the gutter, and chilly mud everywhere else. Although I think it’s still snowy on base for some reason I don’t quite understand.
That’s about perfect though I think. Ever since last spring when an elderly photographer set up a display of photos of the Hikichigawa showing the river in all stages of growth and natural adornment I’ve been hoping to get some snow pictures. But I’m not huge on cold, so as soon as I got some, I was ok with it all melting. I had a hard time getting snow and plum blossoms pictured together, so just know all the droplets on the pretty pink and red petals are melting snow drips!
I had the Scoop under the car port when it was really really cold, but it’s been getting up into the 50s lately, so we’ve been jaunting around town again. Unfortunately, the more accessible parking space is not under the overhang, so the Scoop got her first taste of snow. Sorry Scoopy!