Let there be no confusion on this issue. Using a Japanese toilet is fun and easy. But first let’s review Western toilet usage. Do not squat backwards on the seat. I promise it is less effective than imagined. In fact, please do not put your feet on the seat for any style of squatting. There is an easier way. Simply sit on the seat. If this seems icky, please purchase a pack of antibacterial toilet seat wipes available at most 100 yen shops.
Using a Japanese toilet does not require you to sit on anything. The flush water will run from the back toward the hood, which you should face in a comfortable squat. Don’t ‘hover’—this will make a mess, forcing you to hang your head in burning shame as you shuffle past the inescapable line of at least seven ladies in any given restroom. Yes, they will all know it was you.
One sign not clear enough? Try this one: “Don’t sit on the toilet but squat over it, facing the hooded end!” Thanks for that cheerful instruction! And don’t forget to first push the button for simulated flushing noises to protect your modesty!
Update: my friend Tom said the Japanese at the bottom there instructs you to please wrap your dirty things in paper and throw them away. Thank you for that!
I've seen lots of strange and unsavory toilet-like pee facilities in various alien climes, but never this cool Japanese kind. It makes perfect sense and seems very sanitary to me. Good exercise for your thighs, too. Don't know if ladies of generous proportions will have trouble with the squat position.
Love the pictures!