We are probably about over the jet lag, although it’s hard to say since we’re always tired. Several people suggested the time zone switch would cure Isaac’s day/night reversal. This has not been the case. Yesterday, in fact, he napped only two hours between 2pm and 3am. He was fussy and trying to sleep, but kept waking up crying in pain with gas. Very distressing, especially since I avoid gas-producing foods but obviously ate something that didn’t agree with him.
Oh well, he’s sound asleep snuggled in his car seat now as we cruise over the Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana state lines. Baby road trip! It’s fun being back in the South again, riding off into the sunset over rivers, swamps and coastlands. And the nomads drive on!
Have you tried mylacon drops? I'll be glad to see you soon.
I don't know if you've already heard of this, but if you pump his legs, it should help him pass the gas. (It's a bicycle motion.) It helped us sometimes. Glad to hear you guys are doing well. I will pray that you get more rest.