Nine months of ELOISE! Chris, Isaac and I celebrated our baby girl with a trip to the ZOO.
Eloise loves to eat as of about a month and a half ago. She started eating everything while we were in Texas and hasn’t looked back. The only thing she doesn’t like is squeezy-pack chicken stuff. Yuk. She loves BLUEBERRIES, Cheerios, pb&j sandwiches, waffles, fruity baby food, sweet potatoes and butternut squash, rotisserie chicken, mac n cheese, applesauce, and cheese sticks. And crackers. And peaches and watermelon rinds.
Eloise’s favorite person is ISAAC! She likes his voice, giggles, attention, tickles, whatever. Eloise likes to chew on Isaac’s trains, snuggle her sheep and baby doll, rattle her noisemaker, ride around in the car and stroller, and take naps in transit.
Eloise’s eyes are still shifting gray-green-blue-golden. She has applied for her passport but has not received it. Eloise has been to Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Virginia, Texas, New York and New Jersey. And Canadian waters, if that counts. She has flown in a plane and sailed a boat.
We finally acquired our very own CANOE and took the kids out on the Lafayette. Eloise cruised around the bow a little bit, and took a nap sitting up in my lap while I was paddling. She can aaaaaalmost crawl, and can squirm around quite a bit to get toys/Isaac/mom.
Eloise, your flirty eyes, spunky personality, and precious smile are such a blessing! I fall more in love with you every day. I love your aba-baba-baba song and the way you rest your head on my shoulder when you’ve had enough. I’m sorry you were so sick in March and April, but you are my strong little girl and I am so proud of you. I can’t wait to see what you’ll do next!