Chris ran the Pensacola Double Bridge Run 15K last weekend Today is the best day we’ve had in a long time!! We had a great cardiologist visit this morning. Captain Goodbaby’s medicated blood pressure is normal—WOOO!! Elevated blood pressure was the main problem caused by his coarctation. He’ll stay on high blood pressure meds for…
Sunny Days are Here Again
Cherry Blossom Boy
Captain Goodbaby and I passed the pinkest cherry blossoms I’ve ever seen on our way to (where else??) another doctor visit this morning. This was my first chance to report back to the Goodbaby’s primary care doc about how her diagnosis of Isaac’s murmur at his one year appointment saved his life, or at the…
Home Is Where The Heart Is
First visit in the cardiac ICU Friday night First visit in the cardiac ICU Friday night We are (extremely relieved to be) home. The post-surgical echo showed a smooth, wide pass where it used to show a pinch. He has a lot of docs to visit in the next couple weeks (months, years…), but this…
The Clouds are Dark; the Sea is Calm
This is my baby, Isaac. You may know him as Captain Goodbaby; he also answers to Hurricane Isaac or Tiny Baby (occasionally). It’s been less than a month since I heard the word ‘coarctation’ for the first time, and since then not an hour goes by when I don’t think it, see it, spell it….
The Tree Hoist
I don’t know this tree… It’s been nine months since the Tree Heist of 2012. We were itching for trouble. Tree trouble. And then into our lives walked Waste Management. They ignored our telephoned pleas to remove the spent Christmas tree from our lawn. Plucked from the garbage can and flung back at us—no, this…
Jump for Joy!
So it’s the end of the year, the last hour of 2012. New Year’s Eve has never been my favorite holiday; it always seems anticlimactic. I like New Year’s Day, because we almost always go to the beach, like my parents and grandparents did most years. But I do like year-in-review summaries, so here goes….
Subject: Baby Jesus Lost: a week ago Tuesday by one Captain Goodbaby Found: tonight, Thursday, by Sunshine State Diaries Search and Rescue Team, under the bookcase This afternoon I’d googled ‘little people replacement Baby Jesus’ and was amused by the first advertisement: ‘buy Baby Jesus now and SAVE!’ Ha ha. Suckers! I found Baby Jesus…