To all to whom these presents may come Greeting Be it Known that Chris and Mari having completed the studies and satisfied the requirements—namely, six years of continuous coursework—for the Degree of Masters of Marriage have accordingly been admitted to that Degree with all the honors, rights and privileges belonging thereto. Given under the seal of Matrimonial University, on…
Public Announcement
Blackwater River State Park
All hail Baby Explorer! Blackwater River State Park—we’d never been! So a couple weekends ago we drove up to the northern head of the Juniper Creek Trail, where the intrepid Baby Explorer led us on a hike through the bluffs along the river. I didn’t know we were this close to somewhere so un-flat! Some…
(Decorating) Tragedy and Triumph
Pounce leaped onto the bathroom counter as I washed my hands. I blocked with my elbow before he could stick his kitty tongue under the faucet. For absolutely no reason whatsoever, this spurred a cat freak out. You know what I mean—where the kitty in question turns into a blur and expands and contracts like…
We're Fine, Thanks
Despite extremely soggy weather (18 inches in 24 hours!), we are high and dry here at Casa de Krueger. We crossed flooded ditches and swollen rivers on our way to church this morning, and a walk around our neighborhood this afternoon revealed trees flopped on their sides once the soil got too saturated to offer…
What’s Up in the Wing
Life is rough here in Training Air Wing 5. For last week’s Change of Command dinner we had to head out to our favorite beach restaurant—Hemingway’s on Pensacola Beach—to honor LtCol Mark “Ziggy” Thompson. Twist my arm…. We started on the topside bar, but soon descended to the Bimini Beach Bar and Grill to escape…
Peacocks and Pineapple Sage Picnic
It’s summertime! You know what that means…cute nautical STUFF everywhere we go! And all over the internet if we don’t go anywhere! I love it! It makes me happy to be in Florida, happy to live near the water, happy to be a Navy family, happy to have hot weather! Those are good reasons to…
In case I’m in danger of giving the impression that Florida is all sunshine and alligator hunting, let it be known that my mom usually gets the phone calls about the bad times and I blog about the good times. Um…sorry Mum. Isaac developed a spotty rash all over his body, then got a touch…