Despite the looming cloud cover and threat of rain I arrived at the Yamato Open Market (my favorite!) earlier than usual. I was on a mission to buy some cool new items for Ichiban Collectibles, the nonprofit shop where I work (by the way, on the floor Tuesday: “Kimono-ver Here!” kimono collection and “Scroll-ing Down…
Geta in the Rain
A dozen pairs of feet buttoned into lined white kimono socks face the practice mirrors. We’re balanced forward on the toes of 12 pairs of geta, kick-kick-kicking in time to the drums, to the shinobue flute, to the kane bell. We advance on the mirrors, correct our form, reset, advance again. The rain streaks down…
LT and Mrs. Krueger
Today is our FOURTH anniversary! Sadly, Chris is out to sea, but that’s ok—we celebrated last weekend. I finished a cup of coconut chai tea and was brewing some coffee this morning when the phone rang. Chris’ name flashed across the screen. What?! “Hello??” I answered. “Happy Anniversary!” said Chris. “I can only talk for…
I Spy…A Pattern
If I were a foreign spy leading a life of mystery, adventure and intrigue, I think I’d do a good job. I would be observant and pick up on the tiny details that add up to a bigger picture of military movements and…stuff. So here’s what I’d do: I would forget the phone tapping and…
Naritasan and the Great Pagoda of Peace
So you know how when you’re driving to Narita Airport you pass that pagoda in the distance surrounded by trees and rice paddies? That would be the Naritasan Great Pagoda of Peace. We went there. But first we got lunch in Narita City. Chris was really hungry. We both had the curry rice lunch set-o…
Sawara Iris Tour—This Way!!
Last year I’d hoped to attend the Sawara Aquatic Botanical Garden’s Iris Festival but it was not to be—Chris’ deployment schedule changed unexpectedly (surprise) and it ended up being our last weekend together. This year, Chris was home and off we went! He is a good sport. To get married here during iris season you…
Under a Red Umbrella
I have a special radar fine-tuned for the red umbrellas that signal Japanese tea ceremony. I spotted one across the irises at the Sawara Aquatic Botanical Garden and had beelined over before I knew what was happening. There was a bowl of tea with my name on it! This exquisite, hand-painted iris tea bowl held…