Following the trends of 2020, we went ahead and got a cat. Pounce, the best of cats, passed away 18 months ago. We swore we wouldn’t get more pets while we stayed in the military, but for nine months, the kids ended their evening prayers every night by praying for a kitten. We went to…
Christmas 2020
Christmas 2020
Following the trends of 2020, we went ahead and got a cat. Pounce, the best of cats, passed away 18 months ago. We swore we wouldn’t get more pets while we stayed in the military, but for nine months, the kids ended their evening prayers every night by praying for a kitten. We went to…
Christmas 2020
Following the trends of 2020, we went ahead and got a cat. Pounce, the best of cats, passed away 18 months ago. We swore we wouldn’t get more pets while we stayed in the military, but for nine months, the kids ended their evening prayers every night by praying for a kitten. We went to…
Sint Niklaas — the Belgian town, the Holiday, the Saint
One year in Belgium! Last year, the morning after we celebrated Thanksgiving with all of both of our families in Texas, we boarded our flight to DC and then an overnight to Brussels. We arrived a few days before Sint Niklaas Day, a holiday we’d never celebrated before. After being heralded by banners and dazzling…
In Bruge (it’s in Belgium)
Family text chat, 11 October, 2020 Me: We’re spending the night in Brugge since we have a five day weekend and can’t leave the country (which extends about 90 minutes in any direction) Mom: Beautiful picture! Me: This is the view from our hotel room! Mom: Really nice! My brother Luke: You should watch the…
Birthdate in Brussels
Life is different now. This is true for everyone of course, because… well, because of 2020. But specifically I mean living overseas is different—so different—with kids. When we lived in Asia we liked to GO ALL THE PLACES! DO ALL THE STUFF! SEE ALL THE THINGS! (Write all the blogposts! 😄) Now, especially because of…
Late Summer, Early Fall
It was so hot two weeks ago. Our house stays nice and cool for a few days of hot weather, but after a week of temperatures in the mid- to upper-90s, it was not cool anywhere. The cabinets were hot. Outside was hot. Inside was hot. Nighttime was hot. It was hot. The heatwave broke…