I’m not going to be one of Those People who complains about the base Commissary (grocery store) while simultaneously refusing to shop anywhere else. Occasionally I mourn the lack of something I took for granted living in Texas or Florida, like Walmart’s so very excellent $2 jar of Peach Pineapple Salsa. Yes, I’m from Texas;…
Check Out All the Food!
Margaritas and Movies
Ok, so not really movies. It may have been Dancing with the Stars…but there were margaritas and general merriment! Between nieces and nephews, wedding planning and assorted showers it’s a constant party around here.
Love in the Park
We did some engagement photos today in the park for my sister Hannah and her fiance Justin. They’re so cute…less than two weeks til the big day! It was a warm, dry, breezy afternoon and it smelled like the flowers that bloom here at the end of the school year. Ah, freedom!
Dinner on the Deck
Big, casual, outdoor dinners—I love Texas in the spring! Luke and Amber (my oldest brother and sister-in-law) had us over for dinner. Family dinners are my favorite part of being home 🙂
Tokyo to San Francisco to Houston
As Japan turns a lovely warm green color and many new and interesting flowers burst open I decided it was high time to go home…for Hannie’s wedding!! yay sis! On my way to catch the airport shuttle I noticed the cherry blossom tunnel to my house has greened out nicely–can’t wait to zip along here…
A Year of Blogging!!
So I’m packing…again…this time for three weeks in Texas for my sister’s wedding, immediately followed by a stay at Shunkoin Temple in Kyoto! Yay. The point is, I realized this morning I first posted to this blog one year ago. At that time Chris and I were in Jacksonville, FL, had follow on orders to…
Time to Scoot!!
Chris and I filled out all the Japanese paperwork for this little baby last night!! That’s right, years of dreaming of the perfect scooter, months of saving, getting lost in Yamato looking for Yamaha shops and all the bruises of motorcycle class have finally paid off—Chris is picking up my gently used Honda Scoopy May…