This tree in our apartment complex blew down on three cars. The bottom photo is the pond flooded several feet higher than usual and spilling all over the golf course fairway. I took these yesterday between bands of rain. Today the sun has come out a little but it’s still pretty windy. Debris is everywhere,…
Fay: The Aftermath (dramatic noise)
Sunshine State Diaries—Tropical Storm Fay
Jacksonville continues to be pummeled by gusting winds and flooding even as Tropical Storm Fay moves across Florida toward the Gulf of Mexico. That means Jacksonvillians like Mari and Chris are stuck inside all day. As we all know from rainy summer days in Texas, conditions were right for corny fake weathercasts. Just be thankful…
Tropical Storm Fay
Nothing gets people talking like the weather! To celebrate this, the closest we’ve ever come to an actual hurricane, we mixed up the hurricane ingredients we’ve been carrying around since we moved to Pensacola and filmed this real weathercast!
Set in Stone, or Sunset over Salamanca’s Cathedral
Indigenous North Americans commanded by Spaniards carved the cherubs’ faces in this grand cathedral in Salamanca, Mexico that Chris and I visited in May 2005. The wealth of the New World meant sufficient funding for this paint job, too—all the gold on the walls is…gold. The floors are all gray marble, the chandeliers are draped…
Style Tip
Pottery Barn’s September 2008 catalogue has this Style Tip: “For a fresh look in the bedroom, break away from the convention of matching furniture suites by mixing an iron bed with a wood side table (page 13).” I’d like to point out that Chris and I have an iron bed frame that we got in…
Moscow in August
The Red Square by day, Cafe Pushkin by night. Exactly four years ago was my first week in Russia with Daddy. Halfway into the trip I told him I wanted to learn Russian and stay forever so I could buy one of the full-length fur coats displayed in every store window in the three blocks…
Celebrate Summer in Charleston and Savannah
Gee Mari, your blog is awfully stale. Yes well, Best Buy has held my laptop captive for five weeks as of this Monday, plus the in-laws are in town. That slows down the delivery of excellent, relevant information, such as the answer to this pressing problem: my buddies Rachel and Jeff moved to Charleston. That’s…