Diamond Head was named for something sparkly someone thought might be diamonds. News flash: it wasn’t diamonds. Hawaiians had already named it something more sensible: Le’ahi, which is the shape of the head of a fish the volcanic cone resembles. Anyway, the second namer discovered at some point that all that flashes and sparkles in…
Diamond Head
Lunch in Lana’i
Happy Independence Day from Lana’i! We arrived in Maui last night and took the Expedition passenger ferry from Lahaina to Lana’i this morning. Like old whalers and missionaries from the 1800s, we enjoyed sailing through the Lahaina Roads and seeing these islands from the sea. Rainbows danced in the spray the boat sent flying. Bright…
Summer Solstice at the Royal Hawaiian
One benefit of living in Hawaii is that all our squadron mandatory fun events are at glamorous old hotels in Waikiki. And we get to enjoy it with lovely friends, acquaintance, and frenemies. One of the junior officers started lobbing rolls. Now here’s a stupid human trick I have—I have surprisingly good aim. So I…
Rain is Always a Blessing
When we get invitations to events at the Official Residence of the Consul General of Japan in Honolulu, we say yes! Noh performances, taiko drumming, karate demonstrations, sake, beer, Japanese food—yes! The setting sun shone through pineapple rain as the taiko drummers made raindrops dance on their drums. Little mists exploded with each reverberating BOOM….
Hawaiian Sunset
Test blog post from my new phone….will it be a pain or a joy?
Kayak Across the Pacific Ocean
We did it! We rented two kayaks from MCBH and put in at the Kailua Boat Ramp to paddle out to the Mokulua Islands. Eloise and I paddled out here one super calm early fall day when she was two, and Chris and Isaac have been wanting to do it ever since. So this weekend…
The world
“Whoa!” Eloise gasped at the sunlight filtering down through afternoon clouds napping around the mountains, shining off Enchanted Lake like a coin. “What do you see, Eloise?” I asked. “I see the world!” I wasn’t sure the kids were careful enough to not fall off all the precipitous drops along the ridge line (and there…