Puffy, white clouds blotted the tops of the Koolaus. Low tide in Kaneohe Bay left the water glassy calm. After weeks of windy, cool weather, the warm sunshine seemed to infuse the palms, the waves, the mountains, filling them with light and radiating out like beams scattered from a gemstone. Hawaii is astonishing in early…
Presidents’ Day
The new Beauty and the Beast opens with a grand ball and the be-wigged pre-Beast dandy dancing around the room. “I know who he is!” Exclaimed Eloise. “It’s George Washington!” This Presidents’ Day we joined friends for fun at Byodo-In Temple, the Tropical Farm Ali’i Tour, and lunch at the Waiahole Poi Factory for lunch….
Honolulu’s Chinese New Year Parade
Clanging cymbals, booming gongs, silk dragons and colorful lions took over Chinatown this weekend for the 2019 Honolulu Chinese New Year Parade! It was so fun.
Sky of Blue and Sand of Green
It’s time for another BLOG POST ABOUT SAND! Yes, sand! One of my favorite recreational geological studies! Just kidding—it’s my #1 favorite recreational geological study! Papakolea Beach looks greenish (or “British khaki” maybe) because of the high content of olivine. Olivine is a common mineral found in igneous and metamorphic rock. When magnesium rich, silica-poor…
Chasing Rainbows
So we’re driving south on Kam Highway, heading home, and the kids are tired and grouchy because Chris and I turned off The Boxcar Children audiobook and are listening to the Gypsy guide for fun, and it’s going through some Hawaiian history we’d just listened to on our Big Island trip. It’s been a gorgeous,…
2018 Year in Review
This was a pretty calm year for us! Unusually calm. Good calm. We didn’t move or have a baby or anything! Here’s what stands out in review: 2018 Ballistic missile SNAFU. Beautiful days on the Kaneohe sand bar. Chris deploying. Some rainy months. My parents visited for a second time. More rain. Chris got home….
Christmas in the Sand
‘Twas the day before Christmas and all through the land People were swimming and playing in the sand. And I in my lounger and Chris in his chair Had just settled down for some salty sea air When what to my wondering eyes did appear But a giant tourist bus full of good cheer! …….