I tried a new route on my slow, twice a week jog. I found a swing over a sandy creekbed where I caught crawdads once with my brothers, a couple of horse farms, a dead end, and this spiraling cactus-y succulent.
In the Neighborhood
Three Weeks Later, Still Thankful
I’ve heard all the stories about growing up in Poway. Surely there’s nothing my folks haven’t already discovered, right? The uncles and cousins suggested a Thanksgiving Day hike up Mt. Woodson, home of Potato Chip Rock, and—get this—my parents have never been! Even though you can see it from Grandfather’s front porch. I didn’t know…
See the Sea Lions in La Jolla
Sea lions have ears! I wasn’t sure whether the critters we were watching at Children’s Cove were seals or sea lions, and didn’t want to tell my kids the wrong thing. Someone’s always listening, like that time on the zoo train when I said, “Look at the monkey!” as we clickety-clacked past Siamang Island, and…
First Day of School and Christmas Program
Here it is, the end of the semester already. Since we started shortly before Thanksgiving, I’m not sure we’re quite ready for a break yet! I wasn’t even sure we’d do school this year; with our chaotic travel schedule I told anyone who asked where the kids went to school that we were on a gap…
My early Christmas present is marikrueger.com and a new laptop. I am figuring out how to blog on this new platform, how to selectively sync dropbox with my external hard drive, do photo collages in a new program (and trying to make sense of this chaotic heap of photos), and organize all the photos and files that…
Christmas at Old Poway Train Park
The Christmas tree lighting at Old Poway Train Park was so fun! … until it wasn’t! It was bustling when we arrived, and the kids loved cramming around the tables with other kids making Santa beards and beaded candy canes. Once we finished with that, they were enchanted by the quartet of Victorian-garbed carolers crooning…
Passport Diaries PCS
Well, here goes. When I started blogging (in 2008!) I thought, “Maybe I should have marikrueger.com” but it seemed too hard to figure out. After that, transferring Passport Diaries seemed too hard to figure out. Here’s what I finally did figure out: you can pay people to do it for you! Thank you to Lisette at High Note…