This is a story about my relationship with Target. In high school and college I would hear girls squeal, “I LOVE Target!” I didn’t understand this enthusiasm. I kind of felt like, “What’s the big deal? It’s the smaller, somewhat pricier Walmart.” When Hannah and I were both at TAMU though it was fun to…
Target Audience
Pensacola Beach
I am always surprised how beautiful Pensacola Beach is. The waves were all haloed sunset pink, and sharks circled the pylons at the end of the fishing pier. I’ve never seen a shark fin knifing through open waters with my own eyes before. Isaac spotted one first. They were not small. Eloise tried to climb…
The Hammock Grove
My dad said we sure are having an idyllic few months of hotel hopping. Ha ha! We so are. Most of the time it is great. Sometimes all the mildew and stuff gets to us and we’re all sniffly. Sometimes the kids and I get sick of each other with no preschool or normalcy…
Blues on the Beach
Isaac wanted to go to the beach ALL DAY. So we did. Brick steps beneath live oaks give way to a boardwalk over sweet-smelling shrubby yellow flowers down below the Navy Lodge. Butterflies dance across and along the dunes—that’s how you know it’s fall on the Gulf Coast! October is the ideal time to…
Full Moon, No Balls
We went to zero Navy balls because the uniform store had no pants in the correct size either time Chris looked. No pants = no balls. And that is balls, plural, because the San Diego ball was the night before we left and the Pensacola ball was the Saturday after we arrived. I think…
Tropical Camouflage
You can barely see us! We’ve gone native! Native flora…and flamingos.
241 Years of Navy
“It follows then as certain as that night succeeds the day, that without a decisive naval force we can do nothing definitive, and with it, everything honorable and glorious.” —George Washington Accepting the orders to Hawaii was a renewal of vows, if you will, between us and the Navy. Coronado was sort of our second…