Chris asked me on a date Saturday evening—a Familydate! Family dates are nice because it’s less of a hassle than trying to find a babysitter AND we’re home early. Going out after putting the baby to bed is beyond me when Eloise is still up three times most nights. So a fun family outing fit…
Museum Family Date!
The Tropics
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it…
Equal Opportunity Weather Zooers
We go to the zoo ALL THE TIME, meaning every week or two when the weather is nice, and at least once a month in the winter. Mary and I braved the elements to see the animals in the SNOW. It was awesome. Red pandas (not related to actual pandas, and pictured top right) are…
Spring is Coming
“Right now we have chickens, ducks, a couple pigs, ponies.” Good news from Mount Pleasant Farm! Isaac heard me calling around asking about Easter chicks for cute photo ops and looked at me earnestly when I got off the phone. “We’re going to a FARM?!” “…yeeeees we are! As soon as Eloise wakes up!” Trying…
Happy Girls' Day!
March 3 is Girls’ Day in Japan! It’s celebrated with Hina doll displays, silk crepe decorations strung together, and a song. Traditionally, you must take down the decorations right away or your daughter won’t get married. Well, Eloise’s baby mobile over her crib is actually a Girls’ Day mobile I attached to a music box…
Kokeshi Doll Tea Party
“Oooooooooh, Isaac, I do not want to go outside. But I will come out with you if you REALLY want me to.” “Ok mom, let’s do that. Let’s have some fun in the snow!” My tot actually said that. Over five inches of fresh snow padded last week’s snow, ice and slush. I can’t see…
Tiny Bear's Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones
This is it! Five stars for “Tiny Bear’s Bible” is written by Sally Lloyd-Jones, the woman who wrote “The Jesus Storybook Bible.” I may have thought I was selecting this FREE review copy when I picked “The Toddlers’ Adventure Bible,” which I rated three stars. “Tiny Bear’s Bible” is AWESOME! It covers the Old and…