Eloise flouts the rules from a young age “You know what I want to do?” “What?” “I want to touch one of the tortoises. I’m totally going to do it before we move.” “Don’t do it when I’m around.” So I did. And I didn’t. Have I mentioned we LOVE the Virginia Zoo?! Eloise’s third…
Tortoise and the Hare
Cutie Pie
On this day of thankfulness, family and pie, we are so thankful for this little cutie pie! She really is just the cutest. I was surprised when we found out Eloise is a girl. I don’t know why. “What am I going to do with a girl?” I wondered. Um, I’ll tell you what this…
We had a bad day Monday. Among other tiny disasters, a lady in a huge SUV nearly ran over Isaac, Eloise and me on the sidewalk near the post office. Thanks for nothing! When we got back to our neighborhood Isaac ran to the grassy riverbank. Whew, no threat of cars there. He found a…
Yes, Deer
I HATE LOSING THINGS. I HATE IT. Like when we lost Jesus from our Little People Nativity set two years ago—drives me nuts!! I have a couple things that I haven’t been able to find since we moved, or maybe shortly before. One was particularly bothering me this month. Chris bought Isaac this tiny deer…
Fall at First Landing State Park
Hannah loaded up the tots for church. Eloise and I stayed home. They all climbed into her rented minivan, drove a few blocks, squeezed into a parallel parking space. Unloaded all three kiddos, crossed the street. “Oh, are we going to this church today?” Isaac asked. Hannah stopped mid-step. “This isn’t your church?” “Nooooooo.” “….oh….
Adventure Bible for Toddlers by Catherine DeVries
There should be no question as to why I picked Catherine DeVieres’ “Adventure Bible for Toddlers” for this round of free review books from Booklook Bloggers: I have a toddler, and we like to read the Bible. Our go-to is “The Jesus Storybook Bible” which remains our favorite. It is a little over Isaac’s head…
Happy Veterans Day!
If a ship were to say, “hey, sorry we planned this exercise to have you all at sea over the long weekend. How about we pull into port for Vererans Day at least before we go do more stuff?” then, naturally, my favorite sailor would have watch on that one day. Naturally. But fortunately, he…