Like clockwork, the weather flipped with the calendar page. All of January had just one rainy day (coincidentally, it was the day of Root Canal Procedure Part 2). February first marked the beginning of more or less two straight weeks of freezing rain. This is especially obnoxious because Chris just completed his strenuous Helicopter Aircraft Commander training, so this was the first weekend in more than a month where we didn’t need to lay low and study the whole time. AND IT RAINED. ALL. WEEKEND. So no trips to Tokyo Disney for us. Sunday it stopped raining temporarily, but when the sun was out we were in church, and by early afternoon it was glum again. We took a walk to look at plum blossoms to try to cheer ourselves up…nothing doing. This weather is driving us plum crazy. Oh yeah, this is why February and March are such a drag. Well we give crappy weather a thumbs down.