My early Christmas present is and a new laptop. I am figuring out how to blog on this new platform, how to selectively sync dropbox with my external hard drive, do photo collages in a new program (and trying to make sense of this chaotic heap of photos), and organize all the photos and files that have been disorganized living in the stone age without wifi (the past two years) or my own PC (four years).
IT FEELS SO GOOD to have what I need to get it all in order and learn this new thing! I also get to catch up on regular posting!
When I heard about Balboa Park’s Japanese Garden’s Shi-Go-San photo day, I was delighted. Isaac was born in Japan, and he is five. We missed school photos this year, and Shi-Go-San is a Japanese holiday where three (shi), five (go) and seven (san) year olds dress in traditional kimono and go to a shrine. Depending on your gender, you celebrate different ages.
What a fun way to honor the land of his birth! I thought. “Isaac’s going to hate that,” said my mom. She was right. He did not, in fact, love having lots of attention. “How did you hear about this…?” asked all the Japanese organizers, which I think may be their polite way of saying, “Your poor kid hates this.”
Well. He got candy at the end, so it wasn’t all suffering.
I <3 this so much!