Our office gets wonderful natural light. So wonderful in fact that it inspired the first photo. It’s pretty lame to post pictures of cats when my sisters-in-law post photos of progeny, but at least it’s an artistic picture of a cat, more or less. 🙂
Second, those are the champagne flutes the jeweler gave us when Chris propo
sed. Ok, ok, we weren’t drinking champagne in that picture…we were watching Bones (our fave!) with Arbor Mist. The sunlight caught the lettering and bubbles nicely from that angle.
Finally: I have never seen a sign like this. I saw it last week at the NAS Mayport commissary. I went back yesterday (to buy my perfume from the last post) and snapped this. I’m sure I’m in the only generation of all time that has never seen food shortages, rationing, etc., so really I should be more shocked about that. But if we’re seeing rice shortages in America, does that mean other countries need it, so they stopped sending their extra to us, or does it mean they have none, so even the first x% of it they send to the States isn’t there? That is a terrifying thought: that this sign that is unusual or even a novelty to me means people are starving, and I am merely surprised.
“You are very clever.” Kent Saugier
Enjoyed reading your blog together tonight! Great pictures and insights.