I’m not really a “Beach Trip for One” kind of person. I don’t mind the odd solo search for seashells by the seashore, but when it comes to a day at the beach I prefer a beach buddy—specifically, a Chris. (Cute story: to get off ship in port you have to have a Liberty Buddy at all times. When I’m there I count as Chris’, but otherwise he has to convince people that the forts really will be fun. Surprise, turns out Chris and I like to do all the same things together, so he emailed me, “Will you be my liberty buddy forever?” Of course I loved it!) Today I discovered the best way to enjoy the sun and shoreline alone: scooting! The Scoop and I left Shonandai around 3pm and headed south.
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Here’s what scares me and The Scoop:

2. Passing cars while the light is red and having the light turn green and the cars start moving while I’m in the shoulder. This is where I start squealing, “Don’t squish me! Don’t squish me!!” inside my helmet.
3. Sun Sneezing. The women-folk in my family traditionally say, “I hate to sneeze while I’m driving!” My sister and I say it, my mom says it, and her mom before her started it I think. Photic Sneeze Reflex affects about 25 percent of humans. That means when you step into light and your eyes’ pupils contract, it sends a message to your brain to sneeze. This helps the pupil contract for some reason. Anywho, that’s why one-forth of you sneeze in the sun when you get in the car, or especially when you’re sitting at a stop light looking up at the clouds. Ok, so add a HELMET with a FACE SHIELD to the equation and you can just guess why it’s on my list!
4. Trying to read signs and looking up to find a car parked in the middle of the road for no reason with the blinkers on a guy walking around the car! I almost hit him and had to pull over until my heart stopped racing!
5. Zipping along passing all the cars when BING! side mirror hits the side of a car. Good thing they’re adjustable! 🙂
Thank you for keeping me apprised as to how to pray, my dear….