Have you ever seen a treasure map?
“If you’re reading this, then you’ve found the Secret Book of Treasure Maps. The treasure lies hidden on the Disappearing Isle, and can only be found just before low tide.
‘The island is the back of a great sea turtle,’ said one sailor.
‘The treasure is buried on an island that sunk into the sea,’ said another.
I, myself, have searched for years with no luck, but I’m convinced the treasure must lie in Kaneohe Bay, on Oahu, Hawaii. Here’s why: I was searching the coastline near Bellows when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. While everyone was distracted, two men came ashore in a Japanese submarine. Were they part of the attack? Well, one of them had a TREASURE MAP! I copied it down, just like every other time I meet someone with a treasure map. I’ve collected five now, mostly similar, so I know the treasure is close.
But alas, I’m old now; my years of treasure hunting are over. I entrust my research and maps to whoever finds this secret book, which I left with an ancient sea turtle, a good friend.
Remember: sea turtles will always help you, but STAY AWAY from octopus and monster crabs. They guard the treasure! Good luck, and never give up.
X marks the spot, but beware the dangerous reefs and angry creatures!”
Those were the strange words we discovered aboard our pontoon boat as we set out for our birthday celebration adventure on Kaneohe Bay. Gold doubloons and some sandy seashells peeked out from beneath a stack of weathered old maps.
The birthday kids (Isaac, Eloise, and their friend Finn) passed these out to the crew, then directed the exceedingly talented captain around the dangerous reefs. At one point, the boat plunged right and left and up and down—it was sea creatures tugging the boat back, away from the treasure! Would we make it through without beaching on some forsaken shore? It was certainly not another boat’s wake, O Ye Naysayers—we almost died at the vile tentacles of mysterious creatures!
The kids stayed poised forward like bowsprits, pointing the way toward the mountains that touch the clouds, past the aforementioned dangerous reefs, and over to the Disappearing Isle. We dropped anchor in clear waters and to our confusion felt the anchor catch on something. Matt jumped out to see what the problem was, and a sea turtle appeared port side, swimming quickly away. It did not respond to our hails. Then Chris called our attention to Matt, who found a golden chest caught in our anchor! This he passed up onto the boat, where the kids successfully pried it open, revealing gold, jewels, doubloons, shells, twinkle lights, and toys, guarded by a giant crab!
“That’s not real treasure!” Isaac squinted as the other kids bypassed him and began scooping out handfuls of glimmering what-have-you. “…is it? Is it real?!” he asked, catching sight of some plastic war planes he’d been coveting at the Commissary.
A picnic lunch and Molly’s Gold Coin Cupcakes completed our enchanting morning.
And a week later, when we saw a pirate ship sailing the coast off Waikiki? Well, let’s just say we were careful not to attract attention to ourselves. Many sail these waters hunting for the lost-and-found treasure to this very day!