We spent our last day in Hong Kong touring Hong Kong Island, starting with the historic Victoria Peak Tram, an 8-minute ride that pretty much trolleys you straight up the slope of the mountain, and if you want to take it back down—well, you ride backwards.
From there we bussed around to Aberdeen on the island’s south side, where we took a sampan tour of the typhoon shelter area. That means we took a dumpy boat ride around the ramshackle harbor where designer yachts towered over shrimp boats that somehow managed to look sunken while floating. It did, however, show how used tires can be put to use: line everything with them! Boats, marinas, breakwaters…heck, soon we’ll start a fisherman’s fashion line!
Then we curved around the coast past Repulse Bay (named after a British vessel, not after…you know, repulsiveness in general) to Stanley, where we browsed the market, got some ice cream, and collected some sand from Stanley Beach.

I have sunglasses almost exactly like yours!
Is that Jackie Chan???!