The cargo hold of a C-17 is heated but toward the back it still gets pretty cold. My wool hat, scarf, long-sleeved shirt, Australia fleece and knee-high socks under my jeans weren’t enough, even with the wool blankets they handed out. I still slept ok, but I would have slept even better had I known in just four short hours I would be napping in the same position in the warm sun on the most beautiful beach I’ve ever seen!

I had a grilled mahi-mahi sandwich for lunch, and then I had a nap. The only problem is I see all these nice tan people, then see myself in a mirror and I look ghastly pale and sickly. I was about to feel self-conscious when I saw some tiny sand crabs darting in and out of their holes. I tried to take a picture but it was difficult because it was really bright out and their sandy-colored shells camouflage them really well.
Then I realized I’m a slightly whiter shade of pale than the sandy white beaches, so I probably blend in too. Just…with the crabs, not the humans.
Don’t worry, Mum! my pale skin got lots of sunscreen. Pasty beats lobster any day!