Japanese girls always have these beautiful, compact purses. So I’ll be on the train, checking out cute shoes and bags as usual, when some girl with a tiny purse will pull out a Victorian-style hand mirror and examine her bangs. Where did that come from? Or it starts raining and suddenly all these purses open up to reveal unbelievably tiny umbrellas that unfold to full size! Shocking! This started me wondering: what do you have in your purse? As I add Japanese items to my baggage, I notice everything becoming more compact and fitting together nicely. Composure: having exactly what you need when you need it (whether it’s an umbrella, a facial expression or a witty retort). Nice.
So here’s what’s in my black leather satchel:
Tokyo Romantic — how could I NOT buy this perfume? It’s similar to my favorite perfume but sweeter = perfect for spring!
Keitai — cell phone, complete with puff ball phone charm
Japanese Cherry Blossom hand lotion from Bath and Body Works
Burt’s Bees lip balm — the one that smells like a rose garden
Kimono fabric zip pouch — big enough for my handkerchief, perfume, lip balm, hand lotionBanana Republic wallet — this very on sale wallet is excellent. It keeps my yen and US dollars separate without being too thick. It also holds my Pasmo (train card), train map, one million IDs and credit cards, stamps, business cards, etc.
Daily Planner/Calendar — LOVE! it has monthly calendars, plus each week gets its own to-do list page
Japan Cute — that’s what this ball point pen says on the side, I just noticed
Sakura handkerchief — Chris bought this for me at Sankein Garden. Restrooms have toilet paper but no paper towels, so everyone carries around handkerchiefs or small washcloths for this purpose. Ooo, that is a cute clutch. And made of kimono fabric! What’s inside?
White House Black Market sunglasses
Banana Republic wallet
Train map
Muji key pouch (keeps my keys from scratching everything and keeps them from getting tangled in stuff)
Grenada Alhambra coin purse (divided for yen and US change)
Sankein Garden handkerchief
Lip Smacker cookie dough lip balm
Japan Cute ballpoint pen
Accessories: jade bracelet (Japanniversary present), jade earrings (Valentine’s), crocodile watch
Now: what’s in your bag? Bloggers, take pictures and post a link!
This post is going to help me clean out my purse so that I can wrangle the mess and then I will post what is in my purse 🙂
Love the key pouch! My purse (you don't want to see a photo): wet wipes, keys, cell, iTouch, change purse, yen wallet, ID wallet (for Americash too), train map, headphones, pen, hand sanitizer, sanitizing spray, lip gloss, chapstick, Sophia's extra panties and pants, bandaids, Neosporin, tissue, handkerchief, mini-umbrella, and Japanese fan.