So I want to give our squadron some good press but I also don’t want Chris to read my posts and say, “You can’t say that! Security sensitive information top secret security operation security etc etc!!” That is why I haven’t mentioned anything happening since Luke and Amber’s visit. We dropped them off at the airport shuttle and headed to church. As we drove along Chris asked, “So what do you want to do next weekend?” “I don’t know,” I said, “I had something fun in mind but now I can’t remember.” Chris’ phone rang. Surprise! You’re deploying in 48 hours! Happy Memorial Day!! And you can’t get any pre-deployment errands done because everything’s closed for the holiday weekend!
Chris promoted to Lieutenant Tuesday morning and then he was gone. I scrambled to catch up on the work I’d left to deal with after the visit and surprise! it wouldn’t be a deployment without some car trouble. That’s right—the headlights stopped working! I called the autoport: “Hello, all my headlights stopped working at the same time. Do you have time to fix a wire?” “You want us to check the bulbs?” “No, both headlights and the brights stopped working at the same time. It’s a wiring issue.” “Ok, I’ll put you down for a bulb check.” “Ok do that, but also put me down for a headlight wiring check.” “A what?” This person was American so there was no language barrier. I dropped off my car Tuesday afternoon and walked back to work. Later I got a phone call: “Ok, so you have a severed wire….” No kidding!
Then a bunch of our friends moved away. Pounce gets nervous when he sees suitcases and what with the siblings leaving and then Chris leaving two days later (Pounce must have known Erin and her family were packing up and leaving too) there were a lot of suitcases flying around. And when Pounce gets nervous he barfs. So he barfed. All in all, it’s been a very left behind week. High points include: meeting up with the wives club for a four course meal prepared by a talented Tokyo chef at the Atsugi golf club. Also: getting to wear my I heart Tokyo t-shirt that I’ve been wanting and finally found and purchased. Also: inventing the Tokyo Mojito with Japanese fruit mint and mango rum. Also: my lime tree (which Angela gave me this winter when she moved…sad) grew all new leaves and sprouted heavy, sweet-smelling blossoms. Are limes to follow??? But my favorite thing about this week was DANCE PRACTICE. But THAT is another post!!